Help Needed in Georgia

originally posted 9/4/2008

My fiance is a sex offender. I have known him for a year and we are now engaged. We have just attempted to move in together in a small town in Georgia. The location was approved and he cut ties to move here with me. We took the paper work from his former probation officer to the new one and were told that the location was not approved after all. He had no where to go back to and no place to call home. It is like a witch hunt here right now– the school bus drivers are on the look out for him and all the neighbors are calling my landlord. His name is on the newlease, but today the landlords told us they don’t want him back here on the property. I have looked everywhere that I can think of for a support group for family members of sex offenders but there seem to be none. What a need there is! We are really going through some things here and we could use someone to talk to about it. I know if you or someone could help us, we will be willing to help someone else in the future. Let me know what I can do to help with the reform and who might help us through this. thanks in advance.

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