Positive Reform

By Ed . . . I have followed so many cases that truly showed that the registry on its face is unconstitutional, and the cases presented brought our hopes to the point to where we could finally see reform, and a possibility of the registry abolished. The decisions from the courts took away any and all hopes of any reforms, and continued to state that that it is a civil regulatory process and it is constitutional. Looking back at all the cases that were brought forth in the courts and looking forward, it seems that all avenues have been exhausted. There is reform out there that has been created by the American Law Institute concerning sexual assault. The American Law Institute decided that they needed to go in and revise this because it has not been revised since 1962. They created the sixth edition and it was passed. The revision reads that it would take away the tier system and…

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By Ed . . . For those out there that have to do monthly counseling and a yearly polygraph, we have to ask the question is this process a beneficial process or is this a means to make some additional cash. Speaking with other individuals that are locked into this process, not by choice but by a criminal process. The key question that must be asked is that each session is an identical series of questions asked each month, and this is to go on for the rest of the individuals life. Lets look at the restraints that this places on individuals that have to travel long distances to there counseling sessions, and the restraint that is placed on them and there employer. If you miss counseling sessions you will be processed as a criminal and punished and incarcerated. The court system states that polygraph test are not admissible, but yet they are admissible under Megans law, and if for…


Be a good dad, but just not here.

By Heath . . . I was released 13 years ago.. only felony conviction on my record. Attempted enticement of a minor over the internet…a sting operation set up by a redneck sheriff hell bent on winning his election. I’ve spent the years since my release in an upward trajectory. I’ve accomplished a lot. Including a great job, public office, and a wonderful wife and kids whom are very involved in their school. Over the years, I’ve supported my kid’s school events from a distance, and have never had an issue when on campus. Principals and school officials knew me personally, as well as the law enforcement that served out little county. That all changed last week. After visiting an open house with my wife and kids, I received a call the next day stating that some parents had complained that I was there and the principal said if I came back on campus I would “be removed.” The principal…

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Modern day slavery

By Ed .  . . We all have seen a glimmer of hope in many cases, and have all witnessed discouragement because the court system undermined the evidence that the defense produced, Evidence such as professional research, all being factual evidence, showing truth, and no-nonsense reality. I want to speak on what I feel has a great comparison concerning (slavery). As we research old day slavery, and compare it to modern day slavery, we can start with the word (control), in old day the slave had a person or persons that had control (definition–exercise power over, dominate or rule, power to direct or regulate, restraint, regulating device. (Restrain–limit or keep under control. (Forbid–prohibit, order not to do something. Compare this with modern day (SORNA) and we see that the Legislators that create the laws, and we see within those laws the same control factors, (restrictions, restraints, punishment if nor followed. They classify modern day slavery as trafficking and neglect to…

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Fall River Massachusetts

By Shawn . . . I titled my story after the city and state I have been registered in for well over a decade now. Well I’m certain you have heard many horror stories about people who have ended up on the registry, I can assure you most of them are not true. For my part I committed a sexual offense in ignorance. I had been taught at a very early age, for example, sexual exposure and interaction between adults and children was “normal and healthy” . I was victimized in such a fashion that I enjoyed it anchor up to believe that such behavior was normal. I never had a therapist parent or teacher talk to me about the age of consent or why certain activities that felt really wonderful was still wrong. This does not in any way excuse my behavior but it certainly explains how I was able to do as I did with no remorse or…

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Years of feeling lost, anger, and distrust.

By Jeff . . . Well, where to begin. In 2005 I was charged with Statutory Rape, as a 15 year old. The “victim”, 13 a girlfriend of 2 years, in a non-sexual relationship that eventually did become sexual. Even after being charged, she was writing me letters as I sat in juvenile hall, however I did not get the letters, I was notified through my attorney and mother of them. All parents knew of our relationship, including her entire family, dad, mother, grandma, aunts and uncles. No one objected, except for my mother telling me to stay away from her that she didn’t like, nor trust her. As you could imagine, I didn’t listen to my mother, which ultimately led to a worse outcome. In this time I had burglarized a couple home, which the state stacked those charges against me in addition to the statutory charge. The girl whom I was with, tried to come in on my…

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Teaching General Psychology in Jail

By Don R. . . I met a young African American man in jail, who impressed me as eager to learn. I told him I had been a psychology teacher for quite a few years. If he was interested, we could work on an introductory class together. Of course, we had no textbook or notes. But I had taught the class for so many years that I knew I could remember most everything without a book or lecture notes. He agreed to give it a try, probably in part because he (and we) needed to pass the time in some way. And thus we worked on the subject, primarily by one-to-one discussion and my drawing some diagrams I recalled from class. I personalized the class for him, and he personalized it as well. Soon we were having discussions for two or more hours each day. In the pod, with other inmates sitting at the table, listening in and sometimes making…

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Disabled Vet Wronged

By Eric . . . Its a long story. Astory that started in 1992 when I was discharged from the Army- general Under Honorable conditions. My time in was all Infantry. In those days the military didnt have aclasses and such to prepare people about to leave the mioitary. You were literally cut out and on your own the same day. Culture shock was setting in. I was homeless for about 6 months. I found work were I could, an odd job here and there. All told, over 65 jobs from 92′ – 06′. My mental health was not the best. Tried suicide twice. I finally got tired of all the BS I was getting for being on the “REG” in Michigan. So I thought I could start anew in Arizona. For the most part, not bad. But some things just dont change. Once a job finds oiut about your background, all the BS starts. And it dont stop there….

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The Ripple Affect

By Trent . . . In 2005, we adopted a child from foster care whom we had fostered for several years. At the time, we didn’t think we could have more children and wanted to provide a daughter with a loving home and stability. This opportunity gave her a second chance and brought immense joy to our lives. However, in a surprising turn of events, two years later, we discovered we were expecting another girl, who would be born with a rare brain condition called holoprosencephaly. She arrived in November 2007, and our lives began to revolve around constant visits to Dallas Children’s Hospital and OU Children’s Hospital. Due to her medical needs, we moved closer to OU Medical Center. During this challenging period, our adopted daughter started to act out, likely feeling neglected due to our focus on her sister’s health. We later learned that she had been in touch with her biological mother, attempting to have her regain…

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Banned From Home

By Christine . . . My son is a 28-year-old tier one sex off He has been living in a mobile home park with his girlfriend for one month whom is pregnant. He is not on the lease. The manager of the park Met him said she knew he has been staying there and that it is OK then found out he was a sex offender and is now banning him from the park did not offer him to fill out a application and have a background check like everybody else just specifically said he was banned from the park.

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