Positive Reform

By Ed . . .

I have followed so many cases that truly showed that the registry on its face is unconstitutional, and the cases presented brought our hopes to the point to where we could finally see reform, and a possibility of the registry abolished. The decisions from the courts took away any and all hopes of any reforms, and continued to state that that it is a civil regulatory process and it is constitutional. Looking back at all the cases that were brought forth in the courts and looking forward, it seems that all avenues have been exhausted. There is reform out there that has been created by the American Law Institute concerning sexual assault. The American Law Institute decided that they needed to go in and revise this because it has not been revised since 1962. They created the sixth edition and it was passed. The revision reads that it would take away the tier system and make it across the board a 15 year registry and if an individual complied and does not have any sexual offences within a 10 year period the remaining 5 years would be exempted and the individual would be removed from the registry. Legislators are not bound to this, but I feel because all other areas are exhausted this may be a way to get a positive reform. This may be a way to release many from this unconstitutional process and give them a positive outlook, and free from this registry. The focus must be directed to the Legislators and this process that the American Law Institute has created brought into law. This may be our only hope for the future.

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