Modern day slavery

By Ed .  . .

We all have seen a glimmer of hope in many cases, and have all witnessed discouragement because the court system undermined the evidence that the defense produced, Evidence such as professional research, all being factual evidence, showing truth, and no-nonsense reality. I want to speak on what I feel has a great comparison concerning (slavery). As we research old day slavery, and compare it to modern day slavery, we can start with the word (control), in old day the slave had a person or persons that had control (definition–exercise power over, dominate or rule, power to direct or regulate, restraint, regulating device. (Restrain–limit or keep under control. (Forbid–prohibit, order not to do something. Compare this with modern day (SORNA) and we see that the Legislators that create the laws, and we see within those laws the same control factors, (restrictions, restraints, punishment if nor followed. They classify modern day slavery as trafficking and neglect to see the actual comparison as I listed above. I want to touch base on a case that I reviewed that case is Jason Piasecki v. court of common pleas Bucks County, before the United States court of Appeals. This case had to do with (custody) Appeals court ruled that custody is not limited to actual physical custody. They say that a restriction is custodial if it provides for restraints that (severe), they say given the level of restriction imposed by the registration requirements and the harsh consequences that would result from failing to adhere to them, the restrictions placed on a defendant are (severe). This court stated that Pennsylvania sex offender registration acts in-person updating requirements are (punitive). They clearly said that a person is under custody when it is not shared by the public generally. It is easier to pull up this case and read it in full. The sad part of this is that Piasecki won this case, and yet here we are basically still under custody. This ruling came from a United States Appeal court (federal). Again I will say the change has to come from the United States Supreme court and it has to be ruled unconstitutional on its face. Again this whole mess is based on having (control) through Legislative laws and the other half of control was turned over to law enforcement. Maybe others look at this a different but I see it as modern day slavery in its fullest.

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