By Edward . . .
The one question I have is, what is the reason to why Pennsylvania does not pay for SVP counseling and polygraph test being it is a mandatory requirement for rehabilitation? Here is Pennsylvania answering that question. ( Pennsylvania generally does not pay for SVP counseling and polygraph examinations because of legal precedent that deems such a requirement as potentially unconstitutional , as it could be seen as punitive and violate certain constitutional protections for individuals classified as SVPs essentially, the state courts have ruled that forcing an SVP to pay for their own monitoring and evaluation could be considered unfair and excessive punishment. They say that the requirement to fully fund SVP counseling and polygraph might violate certain constitutional rights. They also say that this would put a financial burden on taxpayers. There are 901 SVP individuals and a polygraph exam cost is $350.00 per person equals $315,350.00 and average monthly counseling fee is $60.00 equals $54,060.00 per year. compare this to drug and alcohol rehab. in the fall of 2022 Pennsylvania received $80 million dollars for rehab and they made it law that insurance providers have to cover individual rehab cost. Here is the strange part of this how can it be unconstitutional to do this for SVPs but not unconstitutional to do this for drug and alcohol? This is another example of a flawed system and a flawed court system who is supposed to be fair and to take unconstitutional acts and make them constitutional. Sadly all of this is on line and made public. What this comes down to is the fact that SVPs are bound to a mandatory law and if a person cannot pay for this rehab process they are arrested (punished) and sent to jail a perfect example of an unconstitutional system.