My Story.

By Crash . . .

I have been a registered SO before and I know how many of you here feel. The issue with housing and jobs and what have you. It is definitely not fair and we need organizations such as NARSOL to help make a difference. Many years ago, I had been set up for death by a corrupt detective by the name of Adam Granit somewhere in Florida. I confessed to him and he manipulated me. His blonde assistant allowed him to do it and she even told him on the low, that psyche medication was found in the place. He basically swept that finding under the rug. He went and twisted up his report on me, and he along with the prosecutors got me charged with a boatload of charges regarding images and videos on my PC. The corrupt detective even lied about me “soliciting” a minor girl online, which the prosecutor deliberately played in and had me charged regarding that but eventually it was dropped. He had even lied about me being “smart” which the prosecutor also did. I remember this detective mocking me to other people in the precinct. As I say with my head in my lap, sleep deprived and not fully knowing what was going on, I overheard him saying things in another room, such as “Crash is a dumb***,” “He’s stupid,” “He is a dumb***,” “Look, he’s so scared, he knows we’re watching him,” “So I asked him…Ares and he told me yeah.” Mocking someone he set up for death. It sounding freaky, like something was speaking through him. “Ares” was the name of the file-sharing program that was used for the downloads. The Internet service provider along with some task force for children had been snooping on my Internet traffic and got the cops involved. The cops had put something on my PC which could detect when something was viewed and how many times. That was way before my arrest and I was unaware of that Also, that corrupt detective has been mentioned online by someone else, who is not an SO as being corrupt. By some great miracle, I had escaped that hellish situation and the schemes of those hellish people entirely. Many people reading this must realize this is almost always how it plays out regarding cp charges. I hope many people do not follow in the same footsteps as me. I had a couple of opportunities in which I had thought about throwing away my PC, long before my arrest. I had never done such things since and I had learned my lesson the day of my arrest.

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