If I Only Knew Then….

originally posted 4/24/2012


I was a ignorant immature 20 yr. old man when i got my CSC charge. I was a shy bible thumping virgin when i met my best friend’s sexually active 14 yr old sister. I’m not gonna lie and say I didn’t  know it was wrong but if i only knew the struggle and hardship I would suffer the rest of my life i would have RAN AWAY! I went to school later to work in medical field but state wouldn’t let me certify. I tried lying on apps but at some point later even if i got employed it would only take someone saying something and i would be fired. Telling the truth would make sure my apps never made it past the secretary’s desk. Now I’m 39 and they just changed the laws from 25 yr registration to life. i was so looking forward to getting off in a few years. I work for minimum wage now when i can find employment and life for me is hard. i have kids now and cant afford to buy the things they need. That one moment in my life has forever killed any hope of living a normal life. My life is 100 times harder because of it.


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