A soldiers downfall.

By Pamela . . .

Hi I’m Pamela and my story is watching my husband who was military, Steve’s in Iraq and Bosnia for his country went to jail for 9 months in Germany for 35 pictures on internet that one specialist said was under age other specialist said wasn’t. No matter… what’s done is done he paid his dues kicked out of Army, lost retirement, did jail time, did therapy, lost V.A. benefits is considered tier 1 offender and been on registry for 16 years. came home in hopes of starting over and just try to pick up the pieces of his life support his family and get back on track. Though life had a different story for him. He couldn’t get anywhere looking for a job so started working as a painter then found work at a cabinet shop. Life was ok but hard we read that you could get off registry after 15 years of good behavior in Missouri so we sold everything moved to Missouri tried to get off registry and they said nope can’t do it. Disappointing but no big deal till he started looking for jobs he was way over qualified for. He was air traffic controller instructor, 82nd airborne, meteorology, 10th mountain division, air assault life saving combat skills…anyhow was offered several jobs but background check came back sex offender no job! He started wondering if life as a sex offender is worth living. My husband returned to me a different person. He has depression, PTSD, night sweats, insomnia and the list goes on….to top that off now he can’t get a job to support his family, what happiness is left to them no job no prospect of ever living a normal life again pride gone the camel can only hold so much before his back breaks. Not to mention the hardship that I as his spouse and his family go through as well because of this. Picture passed around the neighborhood, constant checks to see where he is what he’s doing, neighbors wondering what cops are doing there when they check on him it’s humiliating shameful and degrading not just for him but his family as well he did his time paid his dues let him get on with his life before there’s no life to move on with. I’m truly sorry to those who have been wronged by predators but one mistake in life does not make you a predator repeat offenses do. Just saying give people a chance find out there story help them don’t hinder them. Stop judging according to what you read judge according to who they are now. We thought Missouri would be a new chance for us, but since no one would hire him we have since fell into bankruptcy live in a shed and struggle to even get by some days he’s so depressed he asks if there’s even any reason to get out of bed. Is this how you treat people who gave everything for your freedoms? One mistake branded for life…..Just asking people to give a thought and care for others.

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