Tag: unconstitutional

All families of sex offender PLEASE write the [your government officials]

As a wife of a sex offender ,I live day to day ,going on four years now ,wondering ,crying,praying ,and doing all i can to make a voice in the wilderness ,crying out .”Wheres the help ?” Wheres the 700,000,000 families of sex offenders voices to cry with me about how unconstitutional these laws are to not only the family member who is labeled a sex offender ,but also their families ?” They need to all cry loud to these government officials , swarm their mailboxes with letters of how the families are being affected by all these SOR rules ,restrictions. “Do you have children ?”if you did you would do it for them as much as your loved one. Think about the many children who are being punished for a bad mistake their father ,or mother made back then .They cant have their parents to be there when a play is going on at school .or a sports game…

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