Tag: scared

Effect of registration on employment?

I have a question that I seem not to be able to get a clear sense of what I can expect if my SO boyfriend moves into the home we purchased together last year. His offense occurred in PA but he has since transferred to CT in October at his mothers residence along the NY border. We had purchased a house prior to he being sent off to jail in PA for 3 mo. Our home is in central CT. I am a director of a large school readies community based program and live within the community in which I work. Ion my role I work with community members, BOE, DCF, etc. my concern is how will this affect my employment? Will I lose my job? If I lose my job, we lose the house. My organization also houses a Sexual assault crisis center and works closely with ConnSACs. He has 4 years probation, attending SO classes, and has poly…

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I’m a mom new to this too

I’m so lost and empty right now.. I feel so sick with worry and fear wondering how this will all go.. My son is only 17.. He has a learning disability and doesn’t really fit in with others his age.. Hes more at his sisters age level around 14-15.. So his sisters friends are who his friends are.. Him and one of her friends decided they liked each other and ended up sleeping together.. The girl told her mom and her mom fearing am unwanted pregnancy took her for the morning after pill.. The hospital automatically called the cops.. Its statutory of course because he is 17.. But the m and daughters story have changed from what was originally told to me when the mom made contact with me.. So there is a total of 6 charges, one being actual rape.. Idk what to do.. I’m at an attorneys office as I type this, crossing my fingers and praying.. We…

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