Category: Personal Tales

Tales that affected you directly.

Oregon board of parole and post prison

By Jacob . . . So when I was 23 I was arrested for encouraging child sex abuse 2 Class C felonies x3 for downloading under age porn they told me they been watching me for 2 years . I’m gay it wasn’t easy for me to say that back at that time living in a small town it was hard to deal with that and having no one to really talk to I relied on forms and chat rooms and other boys like myself that where close to my age I was around 18 when the internet open up my world. So at 23 I was arrested I did my time I did 8 months in county never went to prison never had any problems before or after I was out when I was in jail people started messing with me being my first time in the corrections system it was kinda crazy I seen all kinds of stuff…

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Approve – Not Approved

By Jason C. . . . In 1999, I was convicted of several sexual offenses. At the time, I was 22 years old – still young, still making stupid decisions. My mother warned me time and again to change the course of what I was doing, but at that age, you swear you know everything, and believe you are invincible. However, my world came to an abrupt halt when I was arrested and thrown into prison. I was questioned by a detective, using scare tactics like, “They are going to throw you away,” “If you don’t tell me what I want to hear, I will spread the word that you are a sex offender, and those guys inside those prison walls will rape you and use you like you are just a piece of meat.” Of course, this scared me because I had never been in trouble before. Prior to my arrest, I had honorably served in the United States…

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From Shame to Grace

By Ayem…. I was sexually abused as a child by my older brother. He was always much bigger than me, even though we were only 2 years apart. Without going into detail, he pretty much made my life a living hell for 18 years. I couldn’t do anything in the house without pissing him off or pissing my parents off for pissing him off. I left our family home at 18 to attend college while he was locked up in prison for a string of burglaries he committed, moving to a family-owned apartment. I wanted nothing more than to get as far away as I could from the monster in my house. Once I had sex for the first time with a female, it was like the floodgates were opened my first winter in college. I flunked out of college due to 2 straight semesters of withdrawing. I was addicted to porn, to seeking encounters with young women, to going…

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It never ends

By Todd… I committed my crime back in 2014. I wont go into details about it but was not a physical act. I got out of prison November 2016. I applied for a job doing what I have done for majority of my adult life, which is working in the automotive industry. On my application there was no questions about previous criminal history so I did not have to put what I had done. Several months after I had been working at the shop and proved myself to the owner he did background checks on everyone. He never mentioned anything to me about it. He gave me the opportunity to manage the shop 8 months after I had started. Shortly after that he sold one of his other shops and brought all employee files to my shop to be kept secure. While putting them away I saw a big file for me so I looked through it and found lots…

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I am not my crime

By The Outspoken Offender… Introduction First and foremost, I’m not my crime. I believe this is one of the most powerful and important statements that people should hear. And not just for me, but for the countless others that have been convicted of a crime, including people living on the registry. This isn’t a statement that condones what I’ve done in the past or that I condone what others have done. Rather, it’s statement that says, “I’m still productive. I’m can still be an active, positive member of society if I choose to do so.” Living on the Registry Before my arrest in 2006, I was very active in TV news, radio broadcasting and film production. Since I was in the industry, my case was blasted all over the local and national news. It was a horrible experience to say the least, not only for myself, but for my family as well. After spending 41 months inside a federal prison,…

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The Polygraph is Superstition

By Registered Citizen564 … If anyone does not know, the California Sex Offender Management Board (aka CASOMB) has phone call conferencing open to the public. Well since I’m not only a registrant but a member of the public I thought I’d conference in on their call today about the polygraph and all its wonderness and goodness fantasticness.What I heard today was a lot of 100% USDA Ground Choice B.S. unfortunately. A lot of Orwellian Doublespeak (1984 book) also present. There were CASOMB people on the call, a few PO’s, and, you guessed it, a few people who make their living off the polygraph. I was the only registrant on the call and I was proud to be there for you. There were a lot of “hum’s” and “you knows”, and a few “pretty much sure of’s” and when I asked the hard questions, the answers were vague and wobbly, “ well you know, “we’re working on making the polygraph better…

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Sanctioned Life Destruction & Murder!

By PerryP…. I’ve been on The Registry for many years now, and to be honest, I deserved being on it for the Crimes I have committed in the past. However; I’ve never used any Weapons, in any of my Past Crimes either. My Last Conviction ended up with me doing 5 years. I thought that would be the end of it, but No. Nearly Eleven Months AFTER MY CONVICTION, I was brought back to Court, and in an SVP Hearing, WAS LITERALLY CONVICTED AGAIN BY HAVING TO REGISTER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! I’d been told that because The ADA waited so long to have me Convicted like that, was Illegal. To this day, I still don’t know it that’s true or not. At this point, it’s kind of Moot. I was scared to be honest; because even in Prison, there are other Inmates who are only too willing to Attack and try to Maim or Outright Kill anyone…

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Life is What you Make of it

By Victor… I served a little over two years in federal prison for three separate sex offenses. Most of my poor choices were related to viewing child pornography. It was a long-term addiction I suffered through for about 20 years before I was finally taken down by an FBI sting. In a way, it was a huge relief to finally be caught because now I knew this sad part of my life was over. What I didn’t know was how incredibly difficult life was going to be from that point on. I was on active duty with the Air National Guard as an officer and had served close to 30 years in the Air Force, although not all of it was active duty. I threw away a wonderful career and destroyed my family. That was over seven years ago. As a military veteran I am very thankful for the help I received from the Dept of Veterans Affairs (the VA)….

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Juvenile S.V.P.

By Joshua… On October, 13th 1998, I and a male friend engaged in a sexual experiment while finding a stashed pornography tape…I was 13 years old. In September 2003, when I was 18, I was arrested for Attempted Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse and charged as a Juvenile, My case was transferred because the courts felt their wasn’t enough time left for me to be rehabilitated in the Juvenile System. I entered a plea in 2004 and was sent to prison for 8 years. I was also labeled a Sexually Violent Predator under Megan’s Law 2 and now I am subject to life-time registration, counseling, and Community Notification. I am now 35. My life is miserable, employment doesn’t come easy, landlords frown upon the community notification and my monthly counseling has turned into weekly counseling with the threat of prosecution by the state sexual offender assessment board if I don’t comply with the weekly counseling. I’m not on probation or parole,…

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Poly me why?

By Joseph… A polygraph? Are you serious. If I was not committed for a crime I; should not have to tell about others. But you see me as a liar and threaten me if I don’t pass I will be sent back to prison? That is injustice. You have a record I was not charge for in you system and your telling me you have the right to hold that against me. harassment and stalking is by for nothing to what you have in your phone apps.(records state I was charge for attempted rape,breaking entering. and was told more but charges was dismissed. How can one be charge if it was dismissed. Now I am counseling and we are not allowed to associate with other offenders? we do not teach one another how not to re-offend but be sabotaged by our criminal sexual crimes when ever this counselor feel she needs to do so.there is very little evidence that polygraph…

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