Category: Tales from the Registry

Unconstitutional Hardships as a result of the AWA

By Christopher Donker… I am a UK citizen from Scotland who moved to the United States to meet my boyfriend Ryan, who I met online. After meeting, we got along extremely well and decided to think about our future together. We got married in Virginia in October 2016 and decided that it would be best for me to apply for permanent residence in the US as opposed to Ryan seeking residence in Scotland, given his past convictions. I have applied for permanent residence in the US and am currently going through the immigration process. To do this, he needs to sponsor me in order for me to get my green card, however due to his criminal background, he is ineligible to sponsor me and my case with USCIS will ultimately be denied because of this. The issue that US immigration (USCIS) has with his criminal record, is the fact that he has a sex offense from 2008. The Adam Walsh…

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A life of misery

By Ms. C… I’ll make this quick. When my son was 18, still in high school he dated a girl over the summer. She was also in high school, but not quite 14. He didn’t know her age, and very immature for his age. He had been held back a grade by me when he was 5 because he started kindergarten at 4, and I was following the suggestion of the teacher at that time. Point is, they were both high school students. However, because of her not being exactly 14 years old, she wad not of the age of consent. Even though her mother knew about the relationship because that’s whe they hung out, at her mother’s home, the mother claimed that she didn’t know they ate dating. It turns out that the mother had placed another boy in jail for many years over her other daughter, and had successfully sued his parents for money in a civil suit….

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Will this nightmare end?

By S.G. I know this story has been told over and over. I know a lot of people have lived this as well but I wanted to be heard. You see I am not a S.O. I am a wife to a S.O. In 2007 I met my husband. He had been convicted of statutory rape 2nd degree in October 2003. She was 3 months from 17 he was 31 at the time. He served 2 1/2 years in prison in Missouri. I had just gotten out of a severely abusive relationship. We started as friends. We attended group therapy and one on one counseling. In 2008 we got married. At this point we were heading in right direction. We both worked hard. In 2012 we bought a house in a small town. We were very open with the mortgage broker and real estate agent that nothing within 500 feet of a playground. The house was 1 block from sheriffs…

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Put My Story to Written Word

My name is Chris Pelloski. I am a former cancer doctor and researcher who pleaded guilty to accession with an intent to view child pornography in the Federal Southern Ohio District in 2014. From my perspective, I had a moral obligation to tell my story, in full detail and brutal honesty, once I personally experienced the extent of public misunderstanding and misinformation surrounding my offense and sex offenses in general. The first book, “Trauma, Shame, and the Power of Love: The Fall and Rise of a Physician who Heals Himself,” opens with the police raid on my home, details the pretrial phase of my case (house arrest, the legal machinations of my charge, and concurrent therapy I underwent for my childhood sexual abuse and PTSD diagnosis), and closes at my sentencing. This book has won several literary awards. Amazon link: My second recently published book, “A Tortuous Path: Atonement and Reinvention in a Broken System,” relates the experiences of…

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Continual Shame

By Mike… I was Convicted in 1996 for child molestation in Washington state. I was sentenced to four months’ work release, two-year drug and alcohol class, two-year domestic violence class and six years of cognitive therapy. I completed my sentence and was released from the DOC in 2001. I registered with the King County Sheriff’s office upon release and I was listed as a low level #1 sex offender. Once a year a county officer would come to my place of residence to ensure I was living there. Not too intrusive other than when a sheriff shows up at your door and the neighbors are watching. I never had a neighbor ask but I was sure they were wondering why they were at our home. Fast forward to 2015. I have been a plant manager for many years and was in-between jobs. A head hunter put me in contact with a company in Texas. We did two phone interviews and…

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Secret Prison (The Story of Progress CCC)

By Jason… The story I am about to tell you hasn’t been enhanced for drama. It hasn’t been fabricated. I couldn’t make this up. The story I have wanted to tell others for so long now is real. Its my story. Its also the story of so many other men like me. Who were incarcerated in Pennsylvania’s worst experiment since the creation of the registry. Not surprising. Its a story your only going to hear about here. Unless you know someone who went through it or you lived it. It all started on an October morning in 2016. I had been on parole for a while and was doing my groups and keeping to my conditions. I kept curfew, I paid my supervision fees, and I went to my treatment program. But I had so much trouble finding a new place to live. The homeowner where I lived was selling the home and it would be hard for me to…

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Cautionary tale: if you allow other people to use computers in your house, beware!

By Kas… In 2015, my wife and I had our kid’s high school friends over all of the time to play computer games on our sons’ or their own computers, or with the gaming systems on TV. Unbeknownst to us (the parents) one or more of the teenagers (most under 18, some not) were viewing and downloading CP torrents to their computers. This led to our local law enforcement (LLE) being notified by the Feds and raiding our house and taking all computers present. Sure enough, both of our kids computers contained illegal files. But the police pursued a malicious prosecution against me because I was a teacher and (according to my lawyer) “was a better target.” Worse, the police threatened to arrest my spouse if anyone (other than me) kept trying to take responsibility for the files. (My spouse would immediately lose employment if even arrested for such a crime.) My defense attorney’s solution was bribing the judge. After…

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Private Attorney General

By James Coghill I’m a paralegal not a lawyer. What I am about to write should not be construed in any way as legal advice and this information is provided for your education only, freely given without charge. What you do with this knowledge is entirely up to you. To get into court as a normal citizen and raise a claim you must have a legal standing to be there and you must prove it to the court. This works to prevent frivolous claims. Otherwise you must hire a lawyer which then gains you admission to the club. The lawyer then serves as a filter for frivolous cases. What most people don’t know is what is contained in Civil Rights Act of 1866 which makes every citizen a Private Attorney General. This was something new to me. After 15 years of working with the law I had never seen this before which is why I present this info here. Even…

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When running into a juror who wrongly convicted me.

By: Timothy Lawver I thought I’d post this story from my town. I ran into this cop on many occasions, but one in particular I’d like to share. Immediately after I was released I set about contacting groups about my wrongful conviction. I contacted several lawyers, called and wrote the innocence project, and hit the public library. I enter our public library and at the information desk I made eye contact with a man who had looking down messing with books. When he looked up we both recognized one another immediately. He had been a member of the jury who convicted me wrongly. Both stunned almost not wanting to engage at all. It was incredibly awkward. I gathered myself and asked him where the law books were? He got a funny look that turned into disgust and said nothing but pointed toward the section I was looking for. I dug around looking for case law for about an hour,…

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Five Years of Hell

Hello, my name is Michael and in July of 2015 I was sentenced in Pennsylvania on one charge of invasion of privacy. In August of 2013 I was accused of using an old cell phone to “sneak a peek” at a girls behind in my bathroom at my home. I was sentenced in 2015. My cousins were there that night and not even involved, but pressed charges on me. My one cousin had just become a deputy sheriff in the County Court house and her Boyfriend had just become a part time police officer. They used scare tactics to get me to confess to this crime and even frisked me days later illegally. They told me if I didn’t tell them what they wanted to hear and if I didn’t give them my cell phone, they would go to the police. I was later brought to the court in which my cousin (whom of which pressed the charges) works and…

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