
All families of sex offender PLEASE write the [your government officials]

As a wife of a sex offender ,I live day to day ,going on four years now ,wondering ,crying,praying ,and doing all i can to make a voice in the wilderness ,crying out .”Wheres the help ?” Wheres the 700,000,000 families of sex offenders voices to cry with me about how unconstitutional these laws are to not only the family member who is labeled a sex offender ,but also their families ?” They need to all cry loud to these government officials , swarm their mailboxes with letters of how the families are being affected by all these SOR rules ,restrictions. “Do you have children ?”if you did you would do it for them as much as your loved one. Think about the many children who are being punished for a bad mistake their father ,or mother made back then .They cant have their parents to be there when a play is going on at school .or a sports game…

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Sex offender laws

All of these sex offender laws do absolutely nothing to protect the public. Most sex offenders are children themselves, tried as adults, but children less than 18 years old. there have been no statistics to prove all these terrible sex offender registration laws help anyone. sex offenders usually offend children they know. It is the very rare, but very well publicized sex offender that actually does physical violence to a child, and rarer still, a convicted sex offender to re-offend. These sex offender registration laws just make it more difficult for a sex offender to find housing, jobs, families and such. And it makes them a target for vigilantes. I am well informed about this, because i am a child sex offender. I molested a boy, when i was 16. I was tried as an adult and served a severe prison sentence of 8 years. Now I am older, I am also a single father now, and even to be…

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Life on TX sex offender registry!

I am a 39 yrs old male, happily married with a 16 months old daughter.  I have been on the SO registry for over 13 yrs.  In 1992, at the age of 18, I was convicted of sexual assault on a 17 yrs old girl and was given 5 years’ prison time which I successfully completed in April of 1997.  Since being on the registry  I was denied employment and my mail box was vandalized; I face  stigma and shame when I go to renew my driver license annually, and the license fee, I have to pay annually. I make in person reports to the local sheriff on certain days of the year annually and have  uncertain requirements of registration and the fear of arrests if I took my family on interstate travel for vacation. I fear being arrested if I take my daughter to any prohibited parks or prohibited areas, for I am aware of the never ending  added restrictions on parks, movie theaters, bowling area, beaches…etc in…

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What about our Kids?

Our lives changed nine years ago when my husband, in his mid-20s at the time, was arrested in an internet sting operation involving an undercover officer going into an adult sex chat room and posing as a sexually-experienced 15 year old seeking out sex with older men. I was 7 months pregnant with our first child at the time, and my husband was told he could be facing 20 years in prison. When they offered him a plea that carried 5 years probation, he jumped at it. At the time, he was told that, once his probation was over, he could apply to have his record expunged. About a year after his arrest, after the Jessica Lunsford case made the news and stories were abounding about all registrants being compulsive child molesters who might murder your child, we were forced to leave the apartment we were living in after management told us that threats were made against us and they…

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Are we the new lepers of history ?

Hi!!!! My name is David, and I was given a Deferred with Probation, no jail time at all, for attempted sex assault of a child (my daughter) in 2000 from back in 1988.I don’t think I have to go into what my life has been since.  I have gone from a Tier One to a Tier Three as lawmakers try to get reelected. They make  feel good laws so you as a society can feel safe but are doing nothing but destroying  thousands of family.  And as the cities and states make laws that take our jobs away, and we are made to live under bridges and in the woods. Are we the New LEPERS IN HISTORY ? and all the lawmakers can say about that is, O, WELL. We have done are JOBS. You feel better right ? As you feel better the Homeland Security has taken my HAZMAT license from me, and I quote, “Based upon TSA, They have Determined that you Pose a Security…

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Some good news for a change

I have been on the registry since 1997. Many things have changed over the years. Like when I was sentenced, I was only suppose to be on the registry for 15 years. Which in my mind is too long for a consensual teenage “sex crime. “Not long after my conviction they amended the law, which made me a lifetime registrant. So as soon as I was considered an adult, I was also considered a sexual deviant.  Sad thing is that the same year I was convicted, there was a law enforcement officer caught for the same thing, but he got a lesser misdemeanor  charge and only 1 yr. of supervision. Imagine that. At first it wasn’t so bad. There wasn’t an online registry, so if someone wanted to know who was on there they had to go down to the court house to find out. Most people didn’t do that. So I was able to live a pretty normal day to day…

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Criminals calling us criminals?

Hello; my name is Joseph.  I was charged in the Military and Court Martialed on 1 count of Carnal Knowledge under the UCMJ Art 120. I ended up being 6 hrs late to my having to register cause I live 20 miles away and could not get a ride in 48 hours after moving into my new house. I got charged with failure to register. My prior crime was non-violent, and we went  to court several times over the next couple years, and I went to jail 2 times because of it (the city tried me first, and it was thrown out by the judge after 3 weeks in jail; then the state picked it up, and I spent another month and was released on bail). The charges were then Nol Prossed-nolle prosequi (no-lay pro-say-kwee) n. Latin for “we shall no longer prosecute,” which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a…

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Just Don’t Understand

My son was arrested a year ago in Washington, and I just don’t understand.  My son was caught looking at child porn and went to a “share” file.  Evidently when you go to a “share” file, it downloads everything from your computer.  So he was arrested for looking at child porn, and because it went off his computer, he was put in prison for distribution.  The prosecutor kept threatening with more and more time, and also going to feds if he didn’t take the plea. So my son is in prison for 50 months.   He is in prison in Washington, and I have been reading articles of people that have molested, raped etc, and they get less.  They say no one wants to go under this prosecutor.  And he was nasty. I am just not understanding why there is no consistancy.  So now he is in prison and then has to be on probation for 5 years and then register….

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Reform in Missouri

My story begins with my son who is ADHD, diagnosed in the 3rd grade and medicated.  He decided he didn’t need his meds at 17, and the impulsiveness increasingly got worse and worse.  Due to his immaturity socially, he ran with the younger crowd because they liked him for who he was at their maturity level.  Well, the younger crowd includes younger girls, and they thought my son was pretty cool with a car and in high school. Needless to say, the girls in a particular group were unsupervised, and we all know the sexuality of teens.  My son “made out” with a girl, consensually,  and is now in prison for child molestation for touching, no penetration.  He will be on the registry.  His psychologist who he saw for many years testified that he was not a child molester and should not be sentenced to prison.  The judge and PA in our small town are close, and my attorney was…

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Non-Felon Register

I am currently a 25 year old male registrant of the Sex Offender list. I was charged in 2009 when I was 21 with a Class C Misdemeanor of Child Molestation for having a relationship with someone who was 16 years old. We met through work and had dated for several months. After meeting her family, everything seemed fine until one day things suddenly turned upside down. I was originally accused of rape, but the doctor the parents took their daughter to said there was no evidence of sex at all. Her parents, not being too happy with this, still wouldn’t let up, and this led to the courts filing the charges of the misdemeanor. 2012  and court was finally settled. I was given shock time and two years of probation, which I have no problems with. I did do something I shouldn’t have by having a relationship with her, and I accept those consequences. But what I don’t like…

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