Month: January 2013

My Boyfriend’s Life Has Been Ruined

originally posted 4/3/2012   My boyfriend was an award winning teacher at a high school in the inner city. He did so much for kids who had no one else to turn to. One day during his lunch break he went to a friend’s house and found his friend’s daughter and other girls skipping school and doing drugs. My boyfriend left but first told the daughter he would speak to her father about what they were doing. The girls made up a big lie about how he molested them. The court believed them, and my boyfriend was never allowed to give his side of the story. He is now an RSO, and it has ruined his life in so many ways. He can’t get a job and is always looking over his shoulder for police. He has to watch his every move. It is absolutely horrible for him and me. He was a tremendous, honored, and devoted teacher in an…

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He Can’t Live His Life

originally posted 4/3/2012   My fiance is a registered sex offender with a tier 3 charge. Which means he has to register for the rest of his life. He caught the charge when he was 20 and  was dating a 15 year old girl. They dated for 2 years, and he was in love with her. The girl lived with her mom, and my fiance stayed there a lot too since her mom liked him. The mom and dad were divorced, and once the dad found out that she was seeing my fiance, (he wasn’t my fiance at the time) he pressed charges. So he spent his time in jail, and now that he’s engaged to me, he is still on probation. He is trying to be a productive citizen, going to work everyday, paying his bills, going to all of his court dates, going to probation, and doing the right thing. But if it weren’t for me and my…

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Set up for Failure

originally posted 4/2/2012   After reading some of the stories from other contributors, I wonder where my own story fits. There seems to be many individuals whose charges were either statutory or erroneous. On the contrary, I was not wrongly accused of my crime. I can honestly admit that I abused my victim. It was wrong and I caused tremendous damage both to her, myself and others. Yet, I shall offer my story as a contribution to this sad and controversial dialogue. While my legal consequences have been appropriate; the social ones have been almost unbearable. In 2002, after a period of grooming, I touched my then eleven-year-old step-daughter’s genitalia and buttocks over her clothes and showed her a book with sexually-explicit diagrams. Two years later, I plead guilty to two 3rd-degree felonies Attempted Sexual Abuse of a Child and Dealing in Material Harmful to a Minor. As a result of a favorable treatability assessment and my relative accountability, my…

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originally posted 4/1/2012   I met my current boyfriend about 5 years ago, and we started dating almost a year ago. I have an 8 year old daughter, and I myself was a victim of traumatizing childhood sexual abuse, so before I even considered dating him I investigated why he was a RSO. I knew before we started dating because we live in a small (I’m from CA so any city with less than a million people is small to me) city in MS (we also do not have a tier system for RSOs). I talked to cops, lawyers, the DA’s office, and other people, and basically he was  innocent. He was convicted of a sex offense but never actually did anything, didn’t touch anyone, and THAT was the crime. NOT doing anything. He was convicted 10 years ago and hasn’t been in any trouble since. Because of that we are able to get his record expunged; however, as of…

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Let’s Band Together

originally posted 3/23/2012   I agree with no help anywhere. We need to join together. My son is on the list too. He got involved with a girl one month from being of age. I keep trying to get someone to stand with me, but it’s hard. We have to do more than just write letters and complain. We have to take action or they will continue to turn a blind eye. I have no use for the people who push these laws. NO HELP ANYWHERE; GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!     s.

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originally posted 3/23/2012   In 2008 I was convicted of a sex crime in Michigan. My sentence…zero jail, zero probation, zero community service, zero fine, and 25 years as a registered offender.   My crime? Shoving a $5 bill (as a joke) inside a young lady’s shirt collar. She claimed the back of my knuckles grazed over her breast for a split second. In Michigan, that is called a CSC IV. My attorney did not put me on the stand to explain myself.   After the trial, people from this small northern Michigan town reached out to me with incredible stories about “the victim.” It seems making up stories and trying to ruin people’s lives is a habit of this young lady. Some believe her bi-polar. None of it is reason for a new trial, says the Judge. Her occupation today…you guessed it; she’s a stripper! Oh, one more thing: as a youth, this girl spent many a summer day playing…

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SO Registration Needs Changes

originally posted 3/22/2012   I am under a ten year post registration for a non violent crime that took place back in 2007. I served my entire three years in prison and completed the Sex Offender Rehabilitation program by choice. I also completed several other courses offered through the prison system. I just feel that if the Risk Assessment people that determine your level of risk for registration finds you as a non violent offender and gives you a low to a moderate level risk then why have to register? The whole point of the registration is to show the difference in violent and non violent criminals. If they determine that I am no threat to society, then why put me in a situation that could potentially have me charged and incarcerated again for a single rule that can easily be broken or forgotten about. I want to know if there is a way to hire an attorney to have my registration taken off me for good since its only for ten…

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originally posted 3/22/2012 My son is 22 years old.  He was sentenced February 20, 2012, in Collier County, Florida, to 10 years in prison, followed by 5 years Sex Offender Probation and permanent Sex Offender Registry thereafter. His crime was having a consensual relationship with a girl who was 14 when he was 20 – his first relationship and her second. He wanted to marry her, but her parents wanted prison for him. He was facing 80 years or more in prison if convicted (as the prosecutor counted each act as a separate charge) but took the 10 year plea offered by the prosecutor. He is not a sex offender! He is undeserving of this sentence and the lifetime sentence of registration that follows the prison sentence. Our hard earned tax dollars are paying our government to keep our young men locked up in prisons where they cannot be productive citizens and face many horrors and humiliation; they must become part…

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SO Laws and Their Downside

originally posted 3/16/2012   My fiance is a registered sex offender; the thing is he was convicted under false circumstances. I am the girl he got in trouble with. I was 14 and he was 19; we were not involved sexually at all; my father got mad at him and called the cops on him. He served 4 years in prison and is forced to register for the rest of his life. The thing I don’t understand is why is it that he has to register for the rest of his life when you have offenders out there who have raped 3 to 4 kids and they only have to register for a certain amount of time. I do not understand it; now he is in jail for failure to register because we lost our apartment due to him being terminated from his job. so did they want him to register at that address even though he didn’t  live there? I don’t understand…

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Low Risk Offender

originally posted 3/8/2012   I was convicted of sexual assault of a 15 year old. We worked at the same company for over a year and everyone was under the impression she was 18 because that’s what she told us. She worked full time which child labor laws prohibit, which also led us to believe her told age. I got involved with her relation-wise but  not sexually active. The night of my arrest I was under heavy medication due to pulled groin muscle from heavy lifting at work. It was around one in the morning when the police came to arrest me. I don’t remember anything from the time I took my medication at six in the evening to the time I awoke in the city jail being charged for a sex crime. My mother told me that when the police came it took three of them to hold me up because I couldn’t stand on my own due to…

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